Party Relationship
PartyRelationship models relationship of party roles.
PartyRelationship is directional ie. has a 'from' and 'to' side. Each PartyRelationship has a PartyRelationshipType. PartyRelationshipType has a valid from and to role that is used to constrain what roles can be associated. PartyRelationshipType has a parent type that is used to create relationship type hierarchy (e.g. Family, Parent-Child).
Relationship tab defines the relationship between two parties, whenever party loggs in he will be able to view the parties belong to him. Like If a Company group has number of employees, vendors etc; he can set their relationship with Company Group, through this tab to access the information
As you have mentioned about the example of Test Person, Test person who will be a employee to Party group A could be a customer with Part Group B so while creating this party you have to set his role as employee after this Test Person loggins, click at Relationship Tab. Here you will be presented with a form named Add Other Party Relationship, where you can add as many as relationships with other parties depending upon process of your application. Following are the steps : To Party Id : Test person id(it will appear automatically) in the role of : Role of a Test Person with Party group A (for eg. employee) is A : Relation with Party Group B (for eg : Customer) From Party Id : Party Group Id